We are experts in manufacturing of Aluminum & Copper Bimetallic Lugs & Connectors.
Bimetallic Lugs are mostly useful where an aluminum cable has to be terminated by a copper bus bar or copper contact. If Cable Lugs of only copper or aluminum are used , a galvanic action occurs due to dissimilar contact. The use of bimetallic lugs thus ensures a technically sound and durable joint. The Aluminum barrel is friction welded to the copper palm thereby achieving the best possible transition between barrel & palm.
Our range of Aluminum & Copper Bimetallic Lugs is having following advantages.
Material : Conductivity Aluminum Barrel of 60% IACS & Copper Palm 97% IACS.
Final Metal State : Fully Annealed.
Jointing Method : Friction Welding
Sizes : 16 Sqmm to 1000 Sqmm
Applications :
MV Terminations
LV Connections on Bus Bar.
Advantages of bimetallic lugs:
Safe & low cost both in and use.
All copper products are electro-tinned to BS standard and prevents it from corrosion and oxidation.
PVC insulation is provided to terminals for exceptional di-electric strength & for supporting
Entry to the wire barrel is shock-proof, or bell mouthed for faster and easier conductor entry.